Sunday, April 13, 2008

For my Spirtual friends...

Some of you know that I belong to another "Moms" group with my church. The group I belong to is called the Ministry Of Moms Sharing or Moms for short. Our group is kind of like a spiritual book club. We choose a book to read that usually helps us to become better moms or brings us closer to God. Some of the books we've read in the past are: MOMS A Personal Journal, Living as a Beloved Daughter of God, and Chocolate for Lent. This year, we've read Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World (which I highly recommend), Hail, Holy Queen (which was very informative but an extremely hard read! It read like a text book) and we are currently reading Full of Grace. We just finished the second chapter and I can already tell that this will be another book that I highly recommend.

On another note, I didn't even think to take a before picture of my garage. If I can make it outside in the morning before the garbage truck gets our trash, I will show you the huge pile of trash that came out of our garage. Some of it will have to go to the dump. I don't know why Don put it with the rest of the trash. Maybe he's hoping that they will take the old bedside table and the empty computer cases and monitors, lol. We still have a huge pile of "stuff" in our garage that we plan to get rid of next Saturday when we have a garage sale. I'll take a picture before we pull it all out. Anything that doesn't sell is going to Goodwill. Then I will take an after picture. That will have to do I guess.


Debbie said...

Wow...Its amazing all the things you find to throw out, especially from your garage. We did our's about 4 months ago and already, I see things in there that make me cringe that I need to get rid of. For me, we thoroughly do it and it always takes 3 to 4 months, but we things start getting a little out-of-control. Now that I just admitted that, I should work on ours soon so its not such a huge project when we do it...Thanks for making more work for me...LOL!

Melodie said...

I can't wait to get back to my garage project, but with my mother still in the hospital, I have no idea when that will be. Hopefully, sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

Karen, do you own Mary Heart in a Martha World? I would love to read it. I keep eyeing it at the bookstore!

jennifer said... too. That books sounds really good.