Monday, March 31, 2008


It hit our house again. This time Shawn is sick. The thing with Shawn is that he doesn't really complain when he's not feeling well. The only reason I found out he was sick was I was making him blow his nose on Saturday and I felt his face. He was burning up! I took his temp and it was 102.7. We gave him some children's Tylenol which brought it down some but didn't break the fever completely so we've had to alternate between Tylenol and Motrin. We have a doctor's appointment today at 3:10pm so I'm hoping to get some drugs for him. This morning he was still running a fever plus he threw up. Although I think he threw up because he has a very strong gag reflux and can't handle phlegm. I just hope the rest of us don't get sick. I've been trying to boost my immune system but I think Joshua may be getting it already. Last night I heard him cough in his sleep a few times.


Scarlett said...

I hope he feels better soon. Both of my boys have had fevers (and slight coughs) over the last few weeks that went away in a few days. No explanation or other symptoms.

Shawn may have thrown up due to the fever... Hayden will thow up sometimes if his fever gets too high and I don't get it down fast enough. For some reason, Isaac doesn't.

Debbie said...

Like Scarlett, both my girls have had the nasty cold in the last two weeks. We skirted pass the fever this time....

Hope Shawn feels better and Joshua somehow avoids least the brunt of it....

Working Mama said...

Hope he's feeling better soon, Karen! I'll be sending healthy vibes!