Monday, January 28, 2008

Something in the air

There must have been something in the air at the clothing swap because now Joshua and I are both sick. Joshua has been a miserable little boy with congestion and cutting teeth at the same time.

Yesterday at church was absolutely horrible! Joshua is so loud. He was constantly saying Mommy really loud. It was one thing that he was loud but if I try to get him to do something he doesn't want to he throws a temper tantrum...more loudness. Shawn wasn't quite as bad but he wasn't the perfect little angel either. He was arguing with me about a book I told him to put down. Oh the joys of training kids to behave in church (NOT!!!). I know that consistency is the key and Joshua will get it eventually. Lord help me in the mean time. Oh, and whoever is my Secret Sister, please pray for me on Saturday night that the kids will behave in church for me on Sunday, lol.


Melodie said...

It's funny that you say there must have been something in the air at the swap, because I am sick now, and Scarlett posted about being sick on her blog, too. Of course, Sarah and Emily are also sick and they weren't there, and Katie is fine and she was there. Go figure!

jennifer said...

I agree Karen. Evan and Zane have the sniffles, sneezing and runny nose. GRRR!!!!!