Monday, January 21, 2008


Has anyone else been to the Container Store or at least been to their website? I've never been to the actual store but I think I would have a hard time going in and not buying anything. I can't stand Shawn's room! No matter how I try to organize it, it always seems messy and unorganized. We bought a cheap computer stand for his room but I would love to replace it with this. I just think it would give him some extra storage, have a place for his computer, have a place to do his homework (when he gets a little older and can do it on his own), and its shelving that will grow with him. I could easily see this in a teenagers room. On this same topic, one of my friends posted a picture of a new storage cubes/shelves that they put in their kids room. I'm jealous, lol.

We were without heat this weekend. No biggie for me. It was 64 degrees this morning when we woke up and it only got to 68 degrees when the A/C guy came out to fix it. We were getting no power to our A/C but the breakers weren't tripped. After some troubleshooting, Don found a blown fuse inside the A/C handler. After he replaced it and turned the breaker back on, it blew the fuse again. It ended up being the UV light ballast. We just had that installed a little over a month ago so it was still in warranty and we didn't have to pay to have it fixed. I wonder though if it had anything to do with us loosing power last Tuesday. They had to change out a transformer across the street and turned off power for about 10 minutes. I didn't notice us not having problems until Saturday morning when I walked past the A/C handler on my way to the washing machine. I noticed that our new filter system lights weren't on and then I noticed the UV light wasn't on either. I have no idea how long it had been like that.