Sunday, January 13, 2008

Church Training

I did it...I got myself ready and both kids ready for Church this morning by myself. Don is in Crystal River so I had no help this morning but we still made it to the 8am mass. I've been leaving Joshua at home so I could concentrate on getting Shawn to be still and be quiet. He's been doing great! A couple of weeks ago, Father Bill's homily was about family and one of his points had to do with going to church as a family. I felt like he was looking at me when he was talking about it, lol. Anyway, it made me feel guilty enough that I've decided that Shawn is done training and now it's time to work on Joshua. Even though our church has a cry room, I've decided not to use it for several reasons. The other people in the cry room let their kids walk around, play with toys, etc. Just because you're in a cry room doesn't mean you're not supposed to act like you are in church. When I've sat in the cry room with the kids, Shawn thinks he can do what ever he wants because another kid is trying to get him to play with him or something. So I've decided to sit out in the church and just deal with Joshua. Shawn does great when we sit in the church but Joshua is a different story. I hope it just takes some consistency of going to get him to be quiet. At least he's not screaming/crying but he's still loud. Shawn did great today so I went to Dunkin Donuts after church and got some Munchkins.

My mom came over to visit today. She can't go a week without seeing the kids. Julie came over with the kids also around 3pm. Shawn loves playing with Alex and Aiden. They get so loud and rough but I guess that's what little boys are supposed to do. I feel very blessed that we live so close to them.