Friday, January 18, 2008

I love my chiropractor!!!

Today, I broke down and went to the chiropractor. Don't get me wrong, I love my chiropractor but it can get a little expensive. When I was pregnant with Joshua, our co-pay was $15.00. Last year it was $20.00 and this year it increased to $25.00. When you go to the chiropractor for a problem, you usually have to go twice a week for at least 2 weeks. That's $100.00 we don't really have. It's worth it though not to be in so much pain. I was really hoping the drugs my doctor gave me would work and although it helped, it did not get rid of the problem. Oh, and if anyone needs a recommendation for a chiropractor, I would highly recommend Dr. Sage Campione. Her office is in the same building as the Chamber of Commerce off of Pauls Dr. and her number is 643-1242.

For some reason Joshua woke up at 4:30am and wouldn't go back to sleep. To my surprise, he fell asleep in the car on the way home from taking Shawn to school. He woke up as soon as I unbuckled his car seat though. When I brought him inside, I put him down on the couch and 5 minutes later, he was asleep. He slept for about 20 minutes. Totally messed up our morning! By the time his actual nap time came (12:00pm), he was so hyper (for some reason my kids get hyper when they are tired) I had a hard time getting him to sleep. I basically had to pin him down so he couldn't move and then he was out. I noticed at the chiropractor that he was finally getting another tooth. He doesn't have any molars yet but today I felt a little sharp bump on the bottom left side. It's about time!