Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The last day of September

Shawn informed me this morning that today was the last day in September. You know what that means don't you...Star Wars the Clone Wars starts this Friday on the Cartoon Network. I told him a few days ago when it started after seeing a comercial for it but we haven't talked about it since then. Obviously it's been on his mind though, lol.

I found a couple of old Star Wars ships at Goodwill last week. They were cheap so I bought them for Shawn. One of them even came with R2D2 and a Luke Skywalker figure. They make noises too so it was well worth the $6.00 I paid for the pair. Joshua likes them as much as Shawn does. It's killing Shawn not to be able to wear his Halloween costume yet. The other day, he was filling out a Super Me book and the page asked him to draw 3 wishes that he would wish for. His first wish...to be a Real Jedi, lol. Isn't it funny how the same toys that were popular when we were growing up are still popular?


Melodie said...

Don't we ALL want to be real Jedis? I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to use the Jedi mind tricks?

Working Mama said...

It's funny how the year revolves around waiting for events to kids. Waiting for Halloween. Then waiting for Christmas. Then waiting for birthdays to come. Then waiting for Easter break. Then waiting for summer vacation. etc. etc. etc.! I know Matthew can't wait to wear his costume either - we are working on scheduling several opportunities for him to wear it also. Last year we went to All Saints Boo Bash at Nativity, a friend's Halloween party, the Center Place Halloween Walk and of course, trick or treating. We are skipping the Center Place thing this year but we just got an invite to a Halloween-Birthday Costume party - so yeah!

Working Mama said...

It's funny how the year revolves around waiting for events to kids. Waiting for Halloween. Then waiting for Christmas. Then waiting for birthdays to come. Then waiting for Easter break. Then waiting for summer vacation. etc. etc. etc.! I know Matthew can't wait to wear his costume either - we are working on scheduling several opportunities for him to wear it also. Last year we went to All Saints Boo Bash at Nativity, a friend's Halloween party, the Center Place Halloween Walk and of course, trick or treating. We are skipping the Center Place thing this year but we just got an invite to a Halloween-Birthday Costume party - so yeah!