Friday, March 13, 2009


I'm such a klutz! This morning when Don went to wake up Shawn for school, he told me that it smelled like poop in their room. Well, I thought the whole house stunk and had a hard time believing it was seeping out of the kids room, lol. I even made Don take out the trash because I wasn't convinced that's where the smell was coming from. At 8am, Joshua was still sleeping which isn't like him at all and I didn't want his schedule to get screwed up so I woke him up. OMG, the smell coming from that room. I can't believe Don said he THOUGHT he smelled poop. Anyway, I change Joshua's diaper and when I was in the process of throwing the diaper away I got a whiff and that was all it took to start the gagging. I almost threw up...had to go out to the garage for fresh air, lol. When I came back inside, I grabbed some air freshener and went right to the bedroom and started spraying. I was walking backwards not paying attention to where I was going when I walked into a step stool in the hallway (it's normally in the bathroom, not sure what it was doing in the hallway but I'm blaming Don, lol) and started falling backwards so I put my left arm down to break my fall. Oh the pain. I did something to it but not sure what. I didn't go to the doctors because after it happened, I was still able to move my arm. I couldn't bend it all the way without it hurting but I could move it in almost all directions and could bend it most of the way. I figured it wasn't broken so what would the doctors be able to do anyway. Well now it really hurts. I can barely move it. I'm kind of regretting not going to the doctors but I'm going to stick it out this weekend and if it still hurts on Monday then I will make an appointment. Not sure how I'm going to blow dry my hair in the morning.


Heather said...

I hope you're okay! And happy belated birthday to Shawn!

Melodie said...

Just because you can move it all around doesn't mean it's not broken. I hope it feels better soon. You need to be careful with that little one in there.

Karlise said...

It could be a hairline fracture. Hopefully it's not though and you just sprained it. Hope it feels better soon!