Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My potty training dilemma...

I'm not sure if Joshua is actually ready for potty training but he loves to sit on the potty and will usually pee when he sits on it. He hasn't pooped on it yet though. He doesn't tell me when he has to pee but if I ask him if he wants to sit on the potty, he always gets excited and answers yes. He can squeeze out a few drops even if he doesn't really have to pee. Here's my dilemma...he's too darn skinny for pull ups or training pants!!!

With Shawn we used pull ups. I know not everyone agrees with using them but we just had to with Shawn. I tried the training pants with Shawn but the plastic cover was too big and would leak the pee so I was having to clean up the floor after he peed and I didn't feel comfortable letting him play on the carpet. I tried letting him go naked but that ended up in frustration after watching him pee on the floor right in front of me even after asking him constantly if he had to pee. So we went with pull ups and he eventually got it. He was 3 yrs old before we even tried to potty train.

I think Joshua would do good if we had pull ups or training pants but the smallest pull up will slide down his little butt. Most of the training pants I found online goes by weight and Joshua doesn't fall into the smallest weight size so I'm scared to spend the money on them to find out that they are too big. What to do? What to do? Oh, and I don't want to let him go naked because I have witness him get out of the bathtub, run into the hallway (which is carpeted) and start peeing. I'm not the kind of person who has the patience to clean up pee all day, lol.


Melodie said...

You should try the Huggies Pull-Ups. They have those "easy open sides" and you can actually make them a little tighter by adjusting where the sides come together. Other than that, I have no other advice.

Katie likes to go on the potty, and sometimes she knows ahead of time to tell us that she needs to go, but usually not, so I'm not really engaging in active training.

Debbie said...

I will 2nd the Huggies...When we were potty training Jillian, it was so easy to use the Huggies that had the sides open. You can fit them just as you like, the kids can stick them back, so it can give them a chance to be a little more independent and learning how to pull off and back on...

I didn't know that some people were not fans of pullups but I think it also depends on the child and how much they move around...My wiggle worm needed the snuggiest fit...LOL!

Working Mama said...

You know, Karen, Jennifer told me about these padded training underwear - not the plastic waterproof kind - they are like regular briefs but thick-thick cotton with a super thick cotton crotch. I found some at Penney's - "Wee Ones" brand and some at Target/Wal-Mart (I think they were Gerber brand). But they are just super padded underwear so it doesn't pour down thier legs if they do pee. They come in really small sizes & fit snuggly too - I think they max they go is a 3T.

As far as readiness...I sort of faced the same as you but the opposite (if that makes sense!). Patrick can hold it a long time & was dry for hours in diapers and when I started putting him on the potty he would pee - no problem. But he started crying & saying "no, no, no!" and being SO upset about it. It was like his body was ready but emotionally/maturity he wasn't. He could sometimes tell me when he needed to & sometimes he'd tell me right after (but phrase it that he needed to go). He wasn't willing to go by himself, pull down pants/pull-ups/training underwear or anything. So after a few weeks I just decided this was becoming negative & he just wasn't emotionally ready for it. We are going to see again closer to the first of the year, unless he suddenly has the desire before that. Since his body was so much more ready maybe it will just click.

Good luck! Personally, if he is positive about it and shows interest and seems to show the signs of readiness (staying dry, following directions, pull clothing up/down)...then I'd go for it!

Karen said...

LOL, maybe on Patrick they fit snugly. We had the underwear type with Shawn but it was only a 3 ply. I put the plastic cover over top to prevent having to clean anything up but it didn't work for him. The training pants didn't hold it all in (I guess Shawn would hold it for a while and when he peed, he would pee a lot). I'll have to check Penney's to see if they are similar to what we had before and see if they have a size that might fit Joshua.